Constitutional Principles

Quiz Retake: If you want to retake the Amendments quiz, please fill out this form and complete the review worksheet. Must be completed BEFORE next Wednesday.

Homework due Thursday: Read and answer the questions from this Annotated Brutus I 

Homework due Friday: Read and answer the questions from Federalist 51
QUIZ on FRIDAY: Constitutional Principles Quiz

CONSTITUTION TEST next Wednesday: Constitution Test Review Sheet (must pass to graduate!)

Unit 1 Identification Terms--you should be done with the first section and working on the second section (Constitution)

Review of Checks & Balances Worksheet

Learning Objectives:
PMI-1.A: Explain the constitutional principles of separation of powers and checks and balances.
PMI-1.B: Explain the implications of separation of powers and checks and balances for the U.S. political system.

One reason the Constitution has endured for so long and our country has been so successful is the effectiveness of the constitutional principles. These ideas, embodied in the Constitution, are designed to limit power and protect the rights of the people from tyrannical government.

Here are the key constitutional principles:
  • Popular Sovereignty
  • Republicanism (Representative Government)
  • Federalism
  • Separation of Powers
  • Checks and Balances
    • Judicial Review?
  • Limited Government

In-class check for understanding (GoogleDoc of these examples):
Constitutional Principles

Evaluate and explain what Constitutional Principle (Limited Government, Separation of Powers, Checks & Balances, Popular Sovereignty, Federalism) is illustrated in each of the following examples.

_________________1. Congress passes the Affordable Care Act.

_________________ 2. The Supreme Court upholds the challenge to the Affordable Care Act and rules it constitutional.

_________________ 3. The Department of Health and Human Services begins implementing the national part of the Affordable Care Act.

_________________ 4. States set up their own health care exchange programs for people to buy low cost insurance as part of the Affordable Care Act.

_________________ 5. Two of Missouri’s representative lose their re-election bid after supporting the Affordable Care Act.

_________________ 6. Congress votes to defund (not provide money in the budget) to the Department of Health and Human Services for the Affordable Care Act.

_________________ 7. The national government cannot restrict your religious beliefs.

_________________ 8. Congress proposes an amendment to repeal the 22nd Amendment and it is ratified by the states.

_________________ 9. The President orders a military strike against Syria.

_________________ 10. Congress moves to impeach President Clinton for perjury and obstruction of justice.

__________________11. The police are not allowed in your home without a warrant.

__________________ 12. The citizens of Missouri vote against the Right to Work proposal.

__________________ 13. Only the national government can coin money.

__________________ 14. The president nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court.

Videos for Review:


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